Sunday, December 12, 2004

roll up! roll up for the mystery tour!

so i've been hassled a few times for "neglecting my blog" as of late (hayley: "slacker"), but i had to devote every waking hour to try and salvage an academically shitty semester. but i'm back, and i have wonderful news: this post is the first of many to come using my brand new kickass apple ibook. awesome, i know, but there's a tiny problem: i haven't learned how to do links yet, so no funny pictures until i can figure it out. [update: until i figure out, i can edit my posts on my old pc, so i'll try and keep the links coming]

in other news, i'm on a massive beatles kick. we've been watching the anthology, and i just outfitted my brand new kickass apple ibook with every beatles album. also, now that school is over, my time is being devoted to a number of things, one of which is to try and write a script for a movie preston and i want to make. what's it about? well, herein lies the problem. all we know is that we'd like to make a movie this week. other than that, we've got pretty much a clean slate, and its kinda on me to come up with at least a premise. if anyone has any ideas (i'm looking at you, bsc) then let me know, and i'll be sure and give you props in the credits. i've contacted an expert, though, and i think i've coerced rachel into helping me. she's a seasoned vet of playwright, and i'm sure everyone remembers the classic "big kahuna butt" scene that was written for her 5th grade odyssey of the mind team. unadulterated genius.

we're hoping to start production on tuesday, but you know how these things work. rome wasn't built in a day, and i'm pretty sure michaelangelo's "david" wasn't created on a deadline. so lay off me sundance, otherwise i'll take my film elsewhere.

i have some more interesting news: apparently, i've been working on a novel, and it is now completed and published! as far as i can tell from the first three chapters, its a coming of age novel about an adolescent girl, saskia. don't believe me? just google me (brian hall) and check out the first hit. here's an excerpt:

"In the barn, Marilyn lumbers, steaming, to her feet, the back up first on splayed legs, the udder swaying hugely. Saskia dumps a scoop of pellets in the trough and shovels muck into the bin, then squats to rub the furry udder, coaxing the coo into letting down. Marilyn never lies in her own muck. She is a good coo with a clean udder, a pleasure to rub. Saskia works white ointment into the rear teats, and the udder veins bulge, the teats swell. She fires into the bucket a long sequence of pump-action double barreled blasting. She has the strongest hands of anyone in her grade."
-- The Saskiad, by Brian Hall

go ahead and check out the reader reviews, but the best review by far was rachel's: "wow, you really get women"


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