Thursday, December 16, 2004

lemons, lemonade, and frozen awesome

so i spent an exciting day in my old stomping grounds--tupelo, ms. i went and hung out with stu and others for a few nights, which is always good times. tuesday night we went to church, a.k.a. rebelanes, for my first bowling experience in quite some time. after a couple of warm up games to get the dust off, i rolled a 186 ... not too shabby. then we went and had a few beers with some more of the guys at the stables, got back, and stu kicked my ass in mariokart 64. something about "power turns" that i just don't get; anyway, it wasn't pretty.

i returned to oxford, and have been just hanging out here with nothing to do. i started to clean up today, did a little laundry, etc. i've been royally bored this whole thursday with ... ahem ... no one to hang out with. sigh, i got stood up. but lemons into lemonade and such, so preston and i went to see ocean's twelve, and i don't want to ruin it for anyone, but believe it or not, there's a twist at the end! ... (she dies)

tentative tour de tejas III: frozen awesome calendar:

[all dates represent nights of, and are subject to change]
dallas: january 3rd and 4th
austin: january 5th
san antonio: january 6th, possibly 7th
houston: possibly january 7th, january 8th, possibly january 9th

as you can see its a very rough draft, but if you're reading this, would like to hang out in one of the above towns on the specified dates, and are moderately good-looking with a zest for life, then feel more than welcome to contact me (currently accepting housing invitations for all cities but dallas)

so far, possible companions on the tour include mr. stuart davis and ms. mary maliff (application pending). if you'd like to be a passenger on tour de tejas III: frozen awesome, then you'll need to complete a response to one of the following two essays (500 words or less):

1) what qualities do you possess that make you worthy of being an integral part of such a historically significant event? in what areas could you stand to make improvements? exactly what would a seat in the ford explorer of freshness mean to your life?

2) prove carefully the homomorphism theorem that if G, G' (G prime) are groups, and if the mapping phi: G->G' is a homomorphism onto G' with kernel K, then G ~= G/K, the isomorphism being affected by the map psi: G/K->G' defined by psi(Ka)=phi(a), where a is an element of G.

all applications must be received on or before 12/31/2004. completed applications, as well as letters of reference can be sent to

note: space inside the ford explorer of freshness is limited, but there will be no discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, in accordance with title VII of the civil rights act of 1964. however, there will most certainly be discrimination based on cleanliness, hygeine, cd collection, gas cards, and overall demeanor and attitude.


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