Tuesday, January 04, 2005

roaring through texas ...

so i'm hanging out in dallas right now, spending some quality time with mary maliff, and getting hassled by others because i haven't updated my blog in a while (angela--so good to me). my millions of readers are angry, and well, fame is quite the fickle lady. c'mon, it was the holidays, and i never got a chance to sit down and use the internet. in fact, you lucked out, because i'd still be without internet if i wasn't in the suburbs right now: apparently, someone down the street from mary's house has wireless internet with no password requirement, so i'm currently hijacking bandwidth. high five for technology!

tour de tejas III is currently underway, despite a few snags. the awesome hotel room in downtown dallas turned out to be not so much awesome as a shithole. apparently, downtown dallas gets really sketchy a block past city hall. the 14 story hotel had a total of 9 cars in the parking lot when i checked in, the lobby was awful, my toilet didn't fill back up after i flushed it, and my shower drain was clogged. so, the hotel is no more and i'm crashing at mary's. right now, she's playing with pictures of me in photoshop--giving me fake sunburns and that sort of thing. (she's a whiz at photoshop)

we hung out with rachel and kyle wood last night--an absolute blast. kyle was a little road weary at first, but a few beers perked his spirits right back up to normal. example: we picked up rach, and within the first 90 seconds she was in the car, kyle launches into a story about a sleazy strip club he went to, where he got a lapdance from a fat, completely naked 30 year old, who would grind on him and scoot his chair back, and then hit him in the face with her breasts. class act, that kyle.

stu gets here tomorrow, and then we leave for houston, where we're hopefully staying at craig's house in the gay district of town--i'm not sure how a city has a gay portion of town, but the air in montrose does smell curiously like exfoliating cream. seeing eveyone is going to be great: angie, jess, thurber, ruggles, and cowboy nolinberg, and a possible hayley appearance.

houston is the night of the 6th. then to san antonio for the 7th, to witness the destruction that will be the boy scout cookies live in concert. hopefully and old camp reunion will get together afterwards (give me a call if you're in the area, and lucky enough to already have my number -- i can't post it here, i'll have millions of ladies calling). austin on the 8th -- hanging ou with adrienne and brady, jordan, john heymann, with a possible ryan littlepage. words can not express how funny that guy is; i've never left a conversation with him without thinking that was the funniest thing i've ever heard.

if i left out your name, its because you don't answer me when i tell you about things. that, or i forgot about you, and i'm sorry. open invitation to join up with the tour; it'll be fun, and maybe we'll make shirts. until then ...


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